Monday, October 5, 2009

Worried about Swine Flu?

Nobody likes being sick and the flu is the worst.  I hate having to miss school or work to lay in bed with a fever, coughing, sneezing and being so stuffy I can't fall asleep or stay asleep if I do but too sick to get out of bed and clean house, do laundry or even watch TV. I personally have been fortunate enough not to have been this sick for at least five years and I never get flu shots.  Scott and I refuse flu shots every year and manage to make it through the season much better than those who do.  Many health experts have been talking recently about the many benefits of Vitamin D3 including Swine Flu prevention and recovery.  This weekend I was at Costco and they were sampling a liquid formula of Vitamin D3, they also carry a Kirkland brand of the vitamin in a pill form form.  Please consider 20 minutes of direct sun exposure every day or taking a daily supplement of Vitamin D3.  Please Google the vitamin if you want to learn about the numerous benefits (Depression, Bone Health, Immune System, Back Pain and Cancer Prevention for a few.)  I found this article on Three Easy Steps to Prevent or Cure a Swine Flu infection using Vitamin D3.  I am adding this supplement starting today in addition to vitamin C, 7-8 hours of sleep, healthy diet, a daily walk and a stress outlet.  I hope you will do the same.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Many batches of the Flu Shot vaccine contain Squalene and Thimeresol-both worthy of investigation and many credible sites prove that these adjuvants are poisonous. Thimeresol contains mercury and studies have suggested that it could be the cause for the surges in autism. Furthermore, if a vicious strain were to emerge, the shot only covers the older strains (to the best of my knowledge). According to researcher Ty Bollinger, being in the sun when your shadow is at it's shortest (generally high-noon) delivers 1000IUs a minute to your body. So 5 minutes of sunlight would provide your daily needs of Vitamin D.

For whatever reasons the government is hyping the swine flu, which at the moment is not an epidemic-at all. It's strange but the hand of the government is getting heavier as of late and they seem to want to show their power, and may eventually by mandating forced vaccines. Weird, but there you have it. I can understand why the pharmaceutical companies would hype it--increased profits of course. The road to hell truly is paved with good intentions as the cliche goes.


Pink Roses in the Backyard

Pink Roses in the Backyard

Summer in the Backyard

Summer in the Backyard
Sparky happy outside in the summer. What a change from an Arizona summer!

Fall Colors in the Backyard.

Fall Colors in the Backyard.