Monday, February 15, 2010

Another reason to say goodbye to soda

I have been trying so hard to give up soda and I have reduced my intake to about one soda (made with real sugar) every other day.  Lately I have been drinking the Heritage Dr. Pepper, Yum!

Today I was watching the morning news and someone from the University of Colorado Hospital was on discussing how a study they conducted showed those who drank two or more sodas a week were more than two times more likely to get pancreatic cancer than those who did not drink soda.  The person emphasized that it did not matter what kind of sweetener was used artificial, high fructose corn syrup or real sugar.  Since pancreatic cancer sounds pretty painful (remember Patrick Swayze) and the proof has already been established on how soda (or anything sugary) contributes to Type 2 Diabetes, I know how important it is to eliminate soda from my family's diet.  Sorry Sean :(

Read the article

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