Friday, November 13, 2009

Today's Project: Organizing my office

(Notice the Daybed in the office...Another bed available for a visitor)
I love changing things around, moving furniture and accessories from one room to another, painting and organizing.  Right now I am in a panic because I only have until January 4th to get any unemployment projects off my list as I will begin student teaching.  My house has been an absolute mess lately as I tear things out of closets, bins and totes trying to get organized. I have been moving things between rooms and reorganizing items in storage bins and totes.  I love picking up boxes, baskets and totes at discount stores like Ross and TJ Maxx here and there for organizing.  I have been doing this for so long I have boxes and basket for almost everything.
(The office closet is full of my work clothes, they haven't been worn for over 18 months now)

The storage boxes in my office store and organize all those annoying things I could never figure out where to put.  Each box houses things I don't use everyday, however would like to locate quickly if necessary and keep the room looking uncluttered.  I have individual boxes for product warranties, coupon, pens, receipts, birthday and holiday cards, scrapbook materials, miscellaneous cords and more.  My office has been kind of the catch all room since we moved to Colorado, and now I feel everything has a place.
(The bookshelf in the office displays some of the projects my kids made for me over the years, my Disney snow globe collection, and many photo albums and framed photos of our family.) - Notice the storage boxes -

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