Friday, April 17, 2009

Heavy April Snow

It is only 7 pm and this snow is predicted to continue until noon tomorrow. I went out to shovel the driveway for Scott who was on his way home from work and by the time I finished the driveway there was another inch packed on it and I was exhausted and drenched. I wanted to shovel our huge sidewalk but this snow is super heavy (you can tell by looking at the tree) and I am so outta shape. Scott came home, saved the bunny and started to shovel. He was going to walk down to the rec center but I think he worked out enough with this snow. Fortunately we still have power some are not so lucky. While I was cooking dinner and looking out the window I watched cars struggling to get up the hill. One was stuck and so many nice neighbors came to the rescue. I am so curious what we will wake up to tomorrow.

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Pink Roses in the Backyard

Pink Roses in the Backyard

Summer in the Backyard

Summer in the Backyard
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Fall Colors in the Backyard.

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