Saturday, April 18, 2009

Snow Day Fun

I woke up on Saturday morning and heard Scott and Sean laughing. I got out of bed to see what all the excitement was about to discover it was still snowing and Millie was out having fun. Sean and Scott starting throwing snowballs from the back porch in their pajamas with no gloves on. After they realized how cold it was they came in and put on some winter gear to go out and play. They were having so much fun throwing snow balls at fences, trees and bushes and watching the snow come tumbling off.
Sparky was busy trying to dig under the back deck to get to the bunnies and had to be bribed to come in. Once I got her into the house, her and Millie were begging me to go back outside. You can see how wet Sparky is in the picture below. She will fight us to take a bath but go play in the snow, whatever!
Scott and Sean were still outside and spotted the snow plow coming up the street and jumped in the car to make a coffee run. Scott has no problem driving in the snow in his little Nissan Sentra. For those of you who may believe you need four wheel drive to live in Colorado, this is proof you don't. I can't believe it is past noon and still snowing.

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Pink Roses in the Backyard

Pink Roses in the Backyard

Summer in the Backyard

Summer in the Backyard
Sparky happy outside in the summer. What a change from an Arizona summer!

Fall Colors in the Backyard.

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