Thursday, June 11, 2009

Making Chocolate Chip Cookies in a High Altitude

When I was about ten years old I learned to make chocolate chip cookies with my mom and we would just follow the Nestle Toll House recipe and the cookies came out perfect every time. I memorized the recipe and would try making small alterations and eventually became know as the one to make the cookies. During the holidays I would make cookies for my parents' friends at work who would actually pay me to make them. I am not known for too many talents however everyone loves my cookies. So you can imagine my distress when I moved to Colorado and every batch I made was to hard, runny, or greasy. I have been so frustrated, how can I make a good soft fluffy cookie in this high altitude? Today I finally accomplished the perfect chocolate chip cookie! Scott and I can't stop eating them. All I did was add an extra 1/4 cup of flour and 3 teaspoons of water. I also used organic sugar, real organic butter, unbleached flour and a pinch of cinnamon. Yummy!


Home-style Hodepodge said...

yum looks good to me!

Anonymous said...

They was yummy and now they're in me tummy!


Pink Roses in the Backyard

Pink Roses in the Backyard

Summer in the Backyard

Summer in the Backyard
Sparky happy outside in the summer. What a change from an Arizona summer!

Fall Colors in the Backyard.

Fall Colors in the Backyard.