Saturday, March 20, 2010

Now this is rewarding!

This past week was teacher appreciation week and I was genuinely touched.  Throughout the week I was given treats, cards, letters and even one student knitted me a scarf in my favorite color!  And the compliments never stop.  My cooperating teacher is retiring this year so students tell me, the teacher and other teachers that I should take her job.  I also have students asking me to apply at the middle school they will be attending next year.  I get hugs and smiles everyday.  And get so excited to see the light bulbs go off.  I have earned the respect of the students so much that many of them have confided in me about their preteen drama and other fears or concerns.  Spending time in the classroom has reinforced my desire to be a teacher, I know this is my passion and I really hope I can find a job for next fall!

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Pink Roses in the Backyard

Pink Roses in the Backyard

Summer in the Backyard

Summer in the Backyard
Sparky happy outside in the summer. What a change from an Arizona summer!

Fall Colors in the Backyard.

Fall Colors in the Backyard.